2011-10-02 - Ken-Gar RCT and MHT


~5 miles @ ~8.6 min/mi

Three big deer peer at the strange sight: a runner in the mist, black gloves, white shirt with sleeves rolled up, shorts, near Veirs Mill Rd on the Matthew Henson Trail. It's a brisk solo afternoon trek for me, start/finish at Ken-Gar. Comrade Caren Jew had hoped to join, but has family duties and isn't feeling good this afternoon. The GPS is off significantly during the first segment from milepost 7 to Dewey Park milepost 8 on Rock Creek Trail, which it logs as less than 0.9 miles. But later it seems to compensate, as it did during the 2011-09-11 - Parks Half Marathon. Today sets record-low high-temperatures in the region; at 3:45pm it's only ~50°F — yay!

Birthday presents are tested and enjoyed today: many thanks to friend Mary Ewell for neat runner's carseat cover ("Are You Still Sitting on Towels?" is the taunting slogan) and to brother Keith Zimmermann for spiffy Mizuno gloves that keep hands warm in spite of drizzle and chill breezes.

(cf. GPS trackfile/map, ...) - ^z - 2011-10-16